Calypso Pension Chats Vendée Loge porteBook Now

When you bring your cat to Calypso, we will need to see the cat’s immunisation records. We will check that your cat is up to date with the following immunisations :

  • Feline herpes virus
  • Feline calicivirus
  • Feline infectious enteritis
  • Feline leukaemia virus

We will also need to see proof (at least 4 days old) of recent antiparasite treatment (fleas, tics and worms).

Your cat must be identified with either a tattoo or electronic chip. If your cat is aged 6 months or more then it must be either castrated or sterilised.

A deposit of 30% is required for all booking. This deposit must reach us (by cheque or in person) within 8 days of your dates being confirmed, and must be accompanied by a copy of your cat's immunisation records.

We will also need contact details for somebody in case of emergency. Please download and complete this form, le faire signer par la personne concernée et nous le faire parvenir avec votre acompte.

In the event of a cancellation, please let us know as soon as possible TO ALLOW OTHER USERS TO BOOK.

Thanks for your understanding

By clicking the button below, you will send an email to Calypso. Please indicate the dates of your cat's stay along with your full name, email address and phone number and the name of your cat.